Why should I get a business review?

Thousands of customers use Waterremovalnearme.com each month to help them find the best local service providers. This site covers all the major industry categories and all 50 states. We provide this service to both protect consumers and our industry while also earning our local customers. The water, mold, and fire restoration industries rely on people having terrible experiences, so we want to help people find to right people to make their experiences less terrible. Everyone at Water Removal Near Me takes our role in helping connecting consumers with the best local service providers very seriously for many reasons. Passing our review process and getting a featured listing on WaterRemovalNearMe will help you reach more customers. It will also help your customers leave reviews to let other potentional customers know how you were able to help them in their time of need. This site provides a wonderful opportunity for any restoration service to confirm their expertise, credentials, and reputation while also helping them get the phone to ring. Water Removal Near Me will also help your company show up in the major search engines. The more reviews and content your company gets here, the better it will do on Google and Bing.

Get Your Badge Today!!

Top Companies

Reach New Customers

This website was made by people that know how to increase visibility online, so it gets a lot of traffic. Having a listing on here will help your website rank better on Google and Bing. Your listing will also generate trackable emergency service leads. We make being seen on the world wide web a lot easter.

Top Rated Certified Firms Only

The people that made this website also have over a combined 80 years experience in the restoration industry. We are big believers in firms should be certified by the IICRC for many reasons. Each firm that passes our business review process gets a badge with a link to their Water Removal Near Me listing. You can use your badge on your site, social media, or printed material as an approved organization.

Referral Networking

Referral networking is what often makes the difference between success and failure in the water, mold, and fire industries. Many companies across the various industries work together on many different projects. Being an approved member of this site will help any business owner meet new reputable people in the industry that can help them grow their business.

Our Review Process & Customer Reviews

WaterRemovalNearMe.Com finds and monitors the best local water, mold, and fire restoration companies across the nation on a daily basis. We constantly monitor our network, online reputation, inductry contacts, and more to vet all the member companies in our referral network. We also give consumers the ability to leave reviews on listings to help the cream rise to the top. Do good work, and encourage your clients to leave reviews on your listings, and you will grow your business with a lot less marketing effort on your end.

With the way we monitor the internet, customer satisfaction, and industry contacts, we are very confident that we provide consumers with the best local service companies near them nationwide.

How Do I Apply For Referral Membership?

If you want to see your business on waterremovalnearme.com and want a business review, follow the steps below.

Step 1:
Review Listing Type Options

Choose a listing type that best suits your business needs.

Step 2:
Complete the
Request Form

Fill out the form below. Provide accurate and complete information. Make sure to properly describe your business and the services that your business provides.

Step 3:
We Perform our

We will begin our review process, which may include direct contact to your business, online reputation reviews, and industry network feedback.

Step 4:

Our team will make a decision on including your business into this referral network. You will get an email to let you know either way. We do reserve the right to dismiss any company from our referral network at any time.

Step 5:
Publishing &
Award Badge

Once your business is approved for consumer referrals, we publish your listing, and send you your badge and listing badge/link combo to display your site or social media.

Have questions? Check out our FAQ or contact us at (866) 563-6665 or via email at info@waterremovalnearme.com.

Step 1: Claim Your listing

Select the listing type that best describes your services and fits your needs.

What is a Featured

Our “Best In” lists are based on distance. A Featured Placement allows you to be ranked on top of the page and reach the highest number of customers. You still have to earn your placement in the referral network, but you can boost your position.

Steps 2: Complete the Featured Placement Request Form

Returning User? Please Sign In and if you are a New User, continue below and register along with this submission.

primary listing details

Put your listing title here and tell the name of your business to the world.

Start typing and select your google location from google suggestions. This is for the map and also for locating your business.

The city name will help users find you in search filters.

category & services

price details

business hours

Monday 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Tuesday 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Wednesday 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Thursday 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Friday 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

social media


frequently asked questions

more info

These keywords or tags will help your listing to find in search. Add a comma separated list of keywords related to your business.


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Quick Tip

Add information about your business below. Your business page will not appear in search results until this information has been verified and approved by our moderators. Once it is approved, you will receive an email with instructions on how to claim your business page.



Questions? Find out some quick answers below or contact us at (866) 563-6665 or via email at info@waterremovalnearme.com.

No. We have a strict review process to ensure that consumers get the best possible local contractors. Everyone is free to apply for membership. If you have a good business reputation and an IICRC certified  firm chances are good.

Yes! We are glad to review businesses for consideration on an annual basis.

The approval process typically takes 3-5 business days. If you’re applying for a premium listing and you have all your ducks in a row, you can expect inclusing in 2-3 business days.

Contact us directly and email us a copy of your firm’s IICRC certifications. Our biggest goal is to ensure consumers get reputable service companies responding to their needs. We appreciate your patience while we do our due diligences during the screening process.

We research and consider many different categories for inclusion into this referral network. We are constantly updating our site, and we are open to suggestions, but we also want to focus on the terms that are most useful to consumers.

This referral network is constantly growing, but we have not covered the entire nation at this point. Please feel free to submit any of your local service prviders for consideration. t

There are areas in the country with few truly qualified professionals. This website is here to help everyone exchange information about their local areas.